Wednesday, May 20th 2020
-14.00 – 16.00 Geneva time –

Midcheek Augmentation - dynamic volumizing. Multilayering technique
Dr. Olga Zabnenkova
PHD, cosmetologist, dermatologist, KOL Teoxane, Russia
Midcheek Augmentation - dynamic volumizing. Multilayering technique
  1. Patients expectations & concern. Young vs mature patients
  2. Ageing process: an inside out perspective. We are all the same and definitely different: 'heavy" and "tired" faces, female and male patients. How to choose the most comprehensive approach
  3. The Teoxane Approach for optimal facial rejuvenation. Combining fillers for natural-looking facial remodeling. Efficiency, safeness with Teosyal Ultimate & Teosyal Ultra Deep and modern trend - dynamic fillers RHA. Why Teosyal Pure Sense and Teosyal RHA are the optimal choice for our patients. Precise shape of the middle face and mild contour.
  4. The importance of resilient hyaluronic acid. How RHA technology expand the possibilities for midcheek augmentation
  5. Optimising the deep-to-superficial Teoxane Approach
    using TEOXANE products & treatment algorithms. How to keep the natural expressiveness of the face. Needle and cannula, bolus and fan rechnique. Balance of combination in rejuvination treatment of midcheek
  6. Management & treatment adverse reactions after filler augmentation. Is it possible to prevent them?
  7. Video-demonstration: midcheek augmentation. How to improve jawline and chin restorartion

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